Reconstruction of Shredded Document Using Image Mosaicking Technique
Documents are shedded for a variety of reasons,but the basic reason is to destroy the information on the document and documents get worse due to insects,moisture,temperature,humidity,constant handling,and obliteration and shredding,Mosaicking is one of the techniques of image processing which is useful for tiling digital images.Document mosaicking is a process that stitches multiple,overlapping snapshot images of a document together in order to produce one large,high resolution composite.The aim of document image mosaicking is to gain the lost information from shedded pieces or torn document.
Reconstruction of torn documrnts is extremely important to import information whichhas wide application in forensic science,art conservation,corporation,and archaeology.Shredding can be performed by machine or hand manual reconstruction of shredded document is a time consuming job and needs hard work of experianced personnel.Digitization makes the job easier.Automation of reconstruction through image processing algorithms yields effective solution.Automatic mosaic construction has been applied in many fields such as photogrammetric,computer vision,image processing and computer graphics.Documents image analysis requires mosaicking when Ripped-up or shredded document is there.Reconstruction of shredded documents remains a significant challege .So our task is find out the merthod that can efficiently and quickly reconstruct shredded documents.
Group Members:Bhavisha Patel
Faculty Guide:Prof.Jay Amin