Multi Purpose Wood Working Machine
This project deal with design development and fabrication of “Multi Purpose Wooden Working Machine”This machine is designed for the purpose of Multi Operation i.e. Drilling, Cutting, & Grinding. This machine perform multipurpose operation at some time with required speed and thimachine is automatic which is controlled or operated by motor which is run with the help ofcurrent. This model of the multi Operational machine is may be used in small purposecarpentry shops, and where mass production of small jobs is required. This can performoperation like drilling, cutting, grinding of the wooden body (job).
Umang Dineshbhai Gajjar, Yatin Pravinbhai Patel, Anish Vijaybhai Patel, Sunil Dipakbhai Patel, Nirav Dilipbhai Patil (Mech-Sem6)