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Effect of Cable Arrangement for CSB



Cable stayed bridges have good stability,optimum use of structural materials,aesthetic  features,relatively low design and maintenance costs and efficient structural characteristics.Therefore ,this type of bridges are becoming more and more popular and are usually preferred for long span crossing compared to suspension bridges.


A cable stayed bridge consist of one or more towers with cables supporting the bridge deck .In terms of cable  arrangements ,the most common type of cable stayedbridges are fan,harp & semi fan bridges.Because of their large size and nonlinear structural behavior,the analysis of these types of bridges is more complicated than conventional bridges.In these bridges,the cables are main source of nonlinearity.


Obtaining the optimum distribution of post -tensioning cable forces is an important task and plays a major role in optimizing the design of cable stayed bridges.An optimum design of cable stayed bridge with minimum cost while achieving strength and serviceability requirements is a challenging task.In the present study, nonlinear static  analysis of cable stayed bridge will be carried out for different span lengths & cable arrangements.Linear static & nonlinear static analysis will be done using this software SAP2000.Results of cable tension ,deck deflection,base shear is compared for the study of behavior of cable stayed bridge.



Group members: Dahisaria Suyanshu k


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