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Learn Gujarati Easy - iOS






The project title is learn Gujarati. People can know about Gujarati language which is very useful for them.People can easily talk in  Gujarati after referring this application.There's no need to refer any books so it saves time ,money application in market like learn English,Learn Spanish ,learn freanch but not learn Gujarati.There are many people who want to learn Gujarati but there is no application available which can teach gujarati from beginner level ,and this application provides exactly that

The purpose of the application is that people dont't need to refer any book or Tutor ,no need to pay money for it.the application is available  in iTunes Store to get the knowledge of Gujarati language which is very useful for people .The scope of the application is mostly required by Non Gujarati's and Tourist people .It can be useful in Kg.Schools.


Group members: Thakkar mehul

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